若武者in Leidenも、今回ブースを出し、カレーライスを売っていました。
【日時】2011年5月29日(12:00 - 15:00)
募金:79.39 ユーロ
【寄付先】WFP(国連世界食糧計画) *自分たちの募金を「今」必要とする人々に出来る限り早く届けたいという意向、そして国連の一組織であるという信頼性より。
引き続き若武者in Leidenをよろしくお願い致します。
投稿者:蓬生 まり
Two weeks after the charity concert, there was a bazaar called Japanmarkt at the front of Sieboldhuis in Leiden.
Japanmarkt is a local market that is
[DATE]May 29th, 2011. (12:00 - 15:00)
[PLACE] Sieboldhuis, Leiden.
[PARTICIPANTS] 10 helpers from WAKAMUSHA in Leiden
Japanese curry rice and green tea:489.40 EURO
Donation: 79.39 EURO
WFP (World Food Program)
* We chose WFP for our motivation toward donating for those who need the donation "now" and also the credibility as a constituent of the United Nations.
* The same as before.
Generally, when people think of what a typical Japanese dish is like, most people think of Sushi.
Apparently, Japanese curry rice is not familiar to Dutch and other non-Japanese customers.
As a result, it was sold so quickly that about 30 pots of cooked rice disappeared in two hours.
Every time we added rice from the nearby kitchen to the booth, we ran out in ten minutes.
We are very sorry for those who could not get to taste the Japanese curry.
Also, thank you very much for supporting our activity!
Please keep your eyes on our activities.
Writer:Mari Hosho

日本人バイオリニストとオーケストラによるチャリティコンサート / Benefiet Concert Muziek voor Japan
若武者Wakamusha in Leidenは、この度日本人バイオリニストとオーケストラによるチャリティーコンサートを主催することとなりました。
日時: 5月15日(日) 20:00-21:00
場所: Dorpskerk (Dorpsstraat 36 Amstelveen)
入場料: 15ユーロ(15歳以下無料)
ヘムステーデ・フィルハーモニー・オーケストラと、オランダ交響楽団日本人バイオリニスト後藤裕美さんが共演いたします。なお、入場料は若武者Wakamusha in Leidenが募金を続けているWFP(国連食糧計画)に全額送金いたします。
Wakamusha in Leiden is organizing a charity concert by a Japanese violinist and a Dutch orchestra.
Date: 15 May (Sun)
Venue: Dorpskerk (Dorpsstraat 36 Amstelveen)
Admission: 15 EURO (Free of charge for those who are under 15)
Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkest o.l.v Dick Verhoef and Yumi Goto, a Japanese violinist, will perform together. The money we will collect at the concert will be sent to the WFP (World Food Programme), for which Wakamusha in Leiden is continuing to send its donations.
The way to Dorpskerk is as follows.
日時: 5月15日(日) 20:00-21:00
場所: Dorpskerk (Dorpsstraat 36 Amstelveen)
入場料: 15ユーロ(15歳以下無料)
ヘムステーデ・フィルハーモニー・オーケストラと、オランダ交響楽団日本人バイオリニスト後藤裕美さんが共演いたします。なお、入場料は若武者Wakamusha in Leidenが募金を続けているWFP(国連食糧計画)に全額送金いたします。
- Zuid Amsterdam駅より、166番バスでDorpsstraatで下車後、目の前(所要時間12分)
- Schiphol駅より、300番バスでAmstelveen Centraal Bussstationで下車後、徒歩10分
Wakamusha in Leiden is organizing a charity concert by a Japanese violinist and a Dutch orchestra.
Date: 15 May (Sun)
Venue: Dorpskerk (Dorpsstraat 36 Amstelveen)
Admission: 15 EURO (Free of charge for those who are under 15)
Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkest o.l.v Dick Verhoef and Yumi Goto, a Japanese violinist, will perform together. The money we will collect at the concert will be sent to the WFP (World Food Programme), for which Wakamusha in Leiden is continuing to send its donations.
The way to Dorpskerk is as follows.
- From Zuid Amsterdam station: Take bus No. 166 and get off at Dorpsstraat (approx. 12 minutes). The church is in front of the bus stop.
- From Schiphol station: Take bus No. 300 and get off at Amstelveen Centraal Bussstation. The church is 10 minutes walk from the buss station
Please check the map on the link below.
【2011年5月14日 報告:ティルバーグの小学校からのメッセージと絵の数々(オランダの子供達から日本の子供たちへ) // REPORT: May 14th, 2011. (From children in the Netherlands to children in Japan)】
【場所】Lochtenbergh School Tilburg(ティルバーグにある小学校)
Lochtenbergh School Tilburgは約15カ国の子供達が在籍する小学校です。もともと、小学校の子供達が「日本のために何かをしたい」と動こうとしており、その様子をみた、Lochtenbergh School Tilburgで教鞭を取っていらっしゃるMarijke Slijpen様、その娘さんであるMarike van Aerde様からの提案で、今回オランダの小学校から絵とメッセージが被災地の子供達へと送られることになりました。子供達も限りがあるであろうお小遣いから、募金を自ら募ってくれたそうです。子供たちにとって遠くの国への問題意識の強さ、そして「日本への何かしたい!!」という思いに、メンバー皆驚きつつも、感動していました。全て、素敵な絵と素敵な笑顔です。慣れない日本語も頑張って書いてくれたところが健気ですね。
話を提案して下さったMarike van Aerde様、仲介して下さったMarijke Slijpen様、そして協力して下さった子どもたちとご両親にこの場を借りて感謝の気持ちを伝えたいと思います。本当にありがとうございました。なお、この作品はスキャンが終わり次第このブログで紹介させて頂きたいと思います。
投稿者:蓬生 まり
Hello, everyone!
Today, I would like to report a heartwarming messages from children in Tilburg, a town which is about one and a half hours away from Leiden. We received gifts of message and drawings along with donation from children in a primary school in Tilburg . This is addressed to children who live in Onagawa-cho, Miyagi Prefecture in Japan where suffered severely from Tsunami and the earthquake on March 11th, 2011.
[DATES]April 12th - 21st, 2011
[PLACE] Lochtenbergh School Tilburg
[PARTICIPANTS] Children in group 7. (age 4 - 12)
[TOTAL AMOUNT OF MONEY] 150 euro and wonderful pieces of work
[ADDRESSED TO] Onagawa-cho, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan.
After we received the drawings, they are sent to a NPO Aidensha to contribute for its "Pencils for hope" project.

Writer: Mari Hosho
【場所】Lochtenbergh School Tilburg(ティルバーグにある小学校)
Lochtenbergh School Tilburgは約15カ国の子供達が在籍する小学校です。もともと、小学校の子供達が「日本のために何かをしたい」と動こうとしており、その様子をみた、Lochtenbergh School Tilburgで教鞭を取っていらっしゃるMarijke Slijpen様、その娘さんであるMarike van Aerde様からの提案で、今回オランダの小学校から絵とメッセージが被災地の子供達へと送られることになりました。子供達も限りがあるであろうお小遣いから、募金を自ら募ってくれたそうです。子供たちにとって遠くの国への問題意識の強さ、そして「日本への何かしたい!!」という思いに、メンバー皆驚きつつも、感動していました。全て、素敵な絵と素敵な笑顔です。慣れない日本語も頑張って書いてくれたところが健気ですね。
話を提案して下さったMarike van Aerde様、仲介して下さったMarijke Slijpen様、そして協力して下さった子どもたちとご両親にこの場を借りて感謝の気持ちを伝えたいと思います。本当にありがとうございました。なお、この作品はスキャンが終わり次第このブログで紹介させて頂きたいと思います。
投稿者:蓬生 まり
Hello, everyone!
Today, I would like to report a heartwarming messages from children in Tilburg, a town which is about one and a half hours away from Leiden. We received gifts of message and drawings along with donation from children in a primary school in Tilburg . This is addressed to children who live in Onagawa-cho, Miyagi Prefecture in Japan where suffered severely from Tsunami and the earthquake on March 11th, 2011.
[DATES]April 12th - 21st, 2011
[PLACE] Lochtenbergh School Tilburg
[PARTICIPANTS] Children in group 7. (age 4 - 12)
[TOTAL AMOUNT OF MONEY] 150 euro and wonderful pieces of work
[ADDRESSED TO] Onagawa-cho, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan.
After we received the drawings, they are sent to a NPO Aidensha to contribute for its "Pencils for hope" project.
Lochtenbergh School Tilburg is a primary school where children from about 15 countries study. Originally, everything started when the children of the school became motivated to help Japan in some means. Seeing the children's motivation, Mrs. Marijke Slijpen, a teacher in Lochtenberh School Tilburg, and her daughter Marike van Aerde suggested to send drawings and messages to children in the disaster-stricken area. According to them, the children voluntarily collected donation out of their limited amount of pocket money. Our members of Wakamusha were surprised and also touched by how children concerned about a country that is far away from them, and their thoughts toward what they can do for people there. Everyone has shiny smiles and has created original pictures. It is thoughtful of them that some of them attempted to write in Japanese they are not used to.
We would like to show our appreciation toward Mrs.Marike van Aerde, who suggested us the project, Mrs. Marijke Slijpen, who helped us throughout the project, all children and their parents who supported us and the children in Japan. Thank you all very much.For the drawings, we would like to upload on this blog once the scanning has finished.
Writer: Mari Hosho
【2011年5月15日 若武者主催チャリティーコンサート 本番報告 // REPORT: May 15th, 2011. Benefit conert Muziek voor Japan on stage】
【日時】2011年5月15日(20:00 - 21:00)
【場所】Dorpskerk, Amstelveen
【参加者】Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestra, 若武者手伝い10名程、観客の皆さま総勢65人
【指揮者】Mr.Dick Verhoef
"Meditation from 'Thais' " Massenet
"Symphonie No.3 " Mendelssohn
【合計金額】入場料:980.00 ユーロ 寄付金:220.87ユーロ
【寄付先】WFP(国連世界食糧計画) *自分たちの募金を「今」必要とする人々に出来る限り早く届けたいという意向、そして国連の一組織であるという信頼性より。
2曲目はHeemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestraの皆さまが2月から練習していたという、本格的なオーケストラの曲を聴くことができました。
今回チャリティーコンサートのことを紹介して下さった後藤祐美様、演奏して下さったHeemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestraの皆様、場所を提供して下さったDorpskerkの方々、参加して下さった皆さま、
今後も若武者in Leiden を応援よろしくお願い致します。
投稿者:蓬生 まり
Hello everyone!
I am deeply sorry about the delay in updating.
May and June were the busiest and the most active season of final exams and moving on for students in Leiden... and so were for WAKAMUSHA in Leiden.
Today, I would like to report about the charity concert in Amstelveen, sponsored by WAKAMUSHA in Leiden.
[DATE]May 15th, 2011. (20:00 - 21:00)
[PLACE] Dorpskerk, Amstelveen
[PARTICIPANTS] Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestra, about 10 helpers from WAKAMUSHA in Leiden, and the audience (65 people).
[DIRECTOR] Mr.Dick Verhoef
"Meditation from 'Thais' " Massenet
"Symphonie No.3 " Mendelssohn
"Furusato" composed by Sadaichi Okano
Entrance: 980.00 EURO
Donation: 220.87 EURO
WFP (World Food Program)
* We chose WFP for our motivation toward donating for those who need the donation "now" and also the credibility as a constituent of the United Nations.
* The same as before.
This charity concert took place in a church located in Amstelveen, where most of the Japanese residents of the Netherlands live.
As a result, there were many groups of Japanese family, workers and Dutch couples came to our concert.
The concert started with the breath-taking solo performance of a professional violinist, Ms.Yumi Goto.
The second piece was a genuine piece played in many orchestras, which the musicians in Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestra had been practicing since this February.
At the end of the concert, all the participants sang "Furusato", which means "my home", a well-known Japanese folk song in Japanese.
There are some parts of "Furusato"that depict green mountains and clear rivers of the traditional Japanese village.
These parts must have reminded some people of the scenery of beautiful view of Tohoku province, where the earthquake has attacked.
The concert was only an hour long, however, it was a fulfilling content for the audience regardless of how familiar they are to classical music.
It was a heartwarming concert, as all the participants put thoughts and an effort toward what they can do for the victims in 3.11 Japanese Earthquake in the form of a charity concert.
We would like to show our deep appreciation for Ms.Yumi Goto, musicians in Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestra, people who is taking care of Dorpskerk, and those who were supporting our charity concert.
Please stay tuned for the next update of WAKAMUSHA in Leiden!
Writer: Mari Hosho
【日時】2011年5月15日(20:00 - 21:00)
【場所】Dorpskerk, Amstelveen
【参加者】Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestra, 若武者手伝い10名程、観客の皆さま総勢65人
【指揮者】Mr.Dick Verhoef
"Meditation from 'Thais' " Massenet
"Symphonie No.3 " Mendelssohn
【合計金額】入場料:980.00 ユーロ 寄付金:220.87ユーロ
【寄付先】WFP(国連世界食糧計画) *自分たちの募金を「今」必要とする人々に出来る限り早く届けたいという意向、そして国連の一組織であるという信頼性より。
2曲目はHeemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestraの皆さまが2月から練習していたという、本格的なオーケストラの曲を聴くことができました。
今回チャリティーコンサートのことを紹介して下さった後藤祐美様、演奏して下さったHeemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestraの皆様、場所を提供して下さったDorpskerkの方々、参加して下さった皆さま、
今後も若武者in Leiden を応援よろしくお願い致します。
投稿者:蓬生 まり
Hello everyone!
I am deeply sorry about the delay in updating.
May and June were the busiest and the most active season of final exams and moving on for students in Leiden... and so were for WAKAMUSHA in Leiden.
Today, I would like to report about the charity concert in Amstelveen, sponsored by WAKAMUSHA in Leiden.
[DATE]May 15th, 2011. (20:00 - 21:00)
[PLACE] Dorpskerk, Amstelveen
[PARTICIPANTS] Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestra, about 10 helpers from WAKAMUSHA in Leiden, and the audience (65 people).
[DIRECTOR] Mr.Dick Verhoef
"Meditation from 'Thais' " Massenet
"Symphonie No.3 " Mendelssohn
"Furusato" composed by Sadaichi Okano
Entrance: 980.00 EURO
Donation: 220.87 EURO
WFP (World Food Program)
* We chose WFP for our motivation toward donating for those who need the donation "now" and also the credibility as a constituent of the United Nations.
* The same as before.
This charity concert took place in a church located in Amstelveen, where most of the Japanese residents of the Netherlands live.
As a result, there were many groups of Japanese family, workers and Dutch couples came to our concert.
The concert started with the breath-taking solo performance of a professional violinist, Ms.Yumi Goto.
The second piece was a genuine piece played in many orchestras, which the musicians in Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestra had been practicing since this February.
At the end of the concert, all the participants sang "Furusato", which means "my home", a well-known Japanese folk song in Japanese.
There are some parts of "Furusato"that depict green mountains and clear rivers of the traditional Japanese village.
These parts must have reminded some people of the scenery of beautiful view of Tohoku province, where the earthquake has attacked.
The concert was only an hour long, however, it was a fulfilling content for the audience regardless of how familiar they are to classical music.
It was a heartwarming concert, as all the participants put thoughts and an effort toward what they can do for the victims in 3.11 Japanese Earthquake in the form of a charity concert.
We would like to show our deep appreciation for Ms.Yumi Goto, musicians in Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestra, people who is taking care of Dorpskerk, and those who were supporting our charity concert.
Please stay tuned for the next update of WAKAMUSHA in Leiden!
Writer: Mari Hosho
投稿 (Atom)