【場所】Lochtenbergh School Tilburg(ティルバーグにある小学校)
Lochtenbergh School Tilburgは約15カ国の子供達が在籍する小学校です。もともと、小学校の子供達が「日本のために何かをしたい」と動こうとしており、その様子をみた、Lochtenbergh School Tilburgで教鞭を取っていらっしゃるMarijke Slijpen様、その娘さんであるMarike van Aerde様からの提案で、今回オランダの小学校から絵とメッセージが被災地の子供達へと送られることになりました。子供達も限りがあるであろうお小遣いから、募金を自ら募ってくれたそうです。子供たちにとって遠くの国への問題意識の強さ、そして「日本への何かしたい!!」という思いに、メンバー皆驚きつつも、感動していました。全て、素敵な絵と素敵な笑顔です。慣れない日本語も頑張って書いてくれたところが健気ですね。
話を提案して下さったMarike van Aerde様、仲介して下さったMarijke Slijpen様、そして協力して下さった子どもたちとご両親にこの場を借りて感謝の気持ちを伝えたいと思います。本当にありがとうございました。なお、この作品はスキャンが終わり次第このブログで紹介させて頂きたいと思います。
投稿者:蓬生 まり
Hello, everyone!
Today, I would like to report a heartwarming messages from children in Tilburg, a town which is about one and a half hours away from Leiden. We received gifts of message and drawings along with donation from children in a primary school in Tilburg . This is addressed to children who live in Onagawa-cho, Miyagi Prefecture in Japan where suffered severely from Tsunami and the earthquake on March 11th, 2011.
[DATES]April 12th - 21st, 2011
[PLACE] Lochtenbergh School Tilburg
[PARTICIPANTS] Children in group 7. (age 4 - 12)
[TOTAL AMOUNT OF MONEY] 150 euro and wonderful pieces of work
[ADDRESSED TO] Onagawa-cho, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan.
After we received the drawings, they are sent to a NPO Aidensha to contribute for its "Pencils for hope" project.
Lochtenbergh School Tilburg is a primary school where children from about 15 countries study. Originally, everything started when the children of the school became motivated to help Japan in some means. Seeing the children's motivation, Mrs. Marijke Slijpen, a teacher in Lochtenberh School Tilburg, and her daughter Marike van Aerde suggested to send drawings and messages to children in the disaster-stricken area. According to them, the children voluntarily collected donation out of their limited amount of pocket money. Our members of Wakamusha were surprised and also touched by how children concerned about a country that is far away from them, and their thoughts toward what they can do for people there. Everyone has shiny smiles and has created original pictures. It is thoughtful of them that some of them attempted to write in Japanese they are not used to.
We would like to show our appreciation toward Mrs.Marike van Aerde, who suggested us the project, Mrs. Marijke Slijpen, who helped us throughout the project, all children and their parents who supported us and the children in Japan. Thank you all very much.For the drawings, we would like to upload on this blog once the scanning has finished.
Writer: Mari Hosho
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