【日時】2011年5月15日(20:00 - 21:00)
【場所】Dorpskerk, Amstelveen
【参加者】Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestra, 若武者手伝い10名程、観客の皆さま総勢65人
【指揮者】Mr.Dick Verhoef
"Meditation from 'Thais' " Massenet
"Symphonie No.3 " Mendelssohn
【合計金額】入場料:980.00 ユーロ 寄付金:220.87ユーロ
【寄付先】WFP(国連世界食糧計画) *自分たちの募金を「今」必要とする人々に出来る限り早く届けたいという意向、そして国連の一組織であるという信頼性より。
2曲目はHeemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestraの皆さまが2月から練習していたという、本格的なオーケストラの曲を聴くことができました。
今回チャリティーコンサートのことを紹介して下さった後藤祐美様、演奏して下さったHeemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestraの皆様、場所を提供して下さったDorpskerkの方々、参加して下さった皆さま、
今後も若武者in Leiden を応援よろしくお願い致します。
投稿者:蓬生 まり
Hello everyone!
I am deeply sorry about the delay in updating.
May and June were the busiest and the most active season of final exams and moving on for students in Leiden... and so were for WAKAMUSHA in Leiden.
Today, I would like to report about the charity concert in Amstelveen, sponsored by WAKAMUSHA in Leiden.
[DATE]May 15th, 2011. (20:00 - 21:00)
[PLACE] Dorpskerk, Amstelveen
[PARTICIPANTS] Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestra, about 10 helpers from WAKAMUSHA in Leiden, and the audience (65 people).
[DIRECTOR] Mr.Dick Verhoef
"Meditation from 'Thais' " Massenet
"Symphonie No.3 " Mendelssohn
"Furusato" composed by Sadaichi Okano
Entrance: 980.00 EURO
Donation: 220.87 EURO
WFP (World Food Program)
* We chose WFP for our motivation toward donating for those who need the donation "now" and also the credibility as a constituent of the United Nations.
* The same as before.
This charity concert took place in a church located in Amstelveen, where most of the Japanese residents of the Netherlands live.
As a result, there were many groups of Japanese family, workers and Dutch couples came to our concert.
The concert started with the breath-taking solo performance of a professional violinist, Ms.Yumi Goto.
The second piece was a genuine piece played in many orchestras, which the musicians in Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestra had been practicing since this February.
At the end of the concert, all the participants sang "Furusato", which means "my home", a well-known Japanese folk song in Japanese.
There are some parts of "Furusato"that depict green mountains and clear rivers of the traditional Japanese village.
These parts must have reminded some people of the scenery of beautiful view of Tohoku province, where the earthquake has attacked.
The concert was only an hour long, however, it was a fulfilling content for the audience regardless of how familiar they are to classical music.
It was a heartwarming concert, as all the participants put thoughts and an effort toward what they can do for the victims in 3.11 Japanese Earthquake in the form of a charity concert.
We would like to show our deep appreciation for Ms.Yumi Goto, musicians in Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestra, people who is taking care of Dorpskerk, and those who were supporting our charity concert.
Please stay tuned for the next update of WAKAMUSHA in Leiden!
Writer: Mari Hosho
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