2か月半にわたる若武者 in Leidenの募金活動は,6月10日をもって終了いたしました。
若武者in Leidenは東日本大震災時にオランダのライデン市に住んでいた日本人学生・市民を中心に設立されました。
Leiden Observatory (ライデン天文台)は、オランダでは一番大きな天文学科ですが、3月25日、メンバーの一人の呼びかけに多くの学生・研究者が応じてくれて、わずか数時間のうちに数百ユーロという額が集まりました。
シーボルトハウスバザー(JAPAN MARKT,5月29日)でのカレーライス100食2時間完売は,その後の若武者の活動の励みになるものでした。また多くのオランダ人の方々が被災地である東北にまつわる情報に興味を持って立ち止まってくださったことは幸いでした。
Dear all,
The donation activities by Wakamusha in Leiden finished in June 10th extending for 2 and halfmonths. The total amount 7337.55 euros have been sent to the World Food Programme (WFP).
History of Wakamusha
Wakamusha is an organization that was established by Japanese students and Japanese people in Liden. We initially launched this organization after the earthquake hit in Japan in March 11th 2011, with the thought that we should do something for Japan . Such thought afterwards, led us to take an action together to start our project(activity).
1. Donation Campaign on Campuses
We began our project (activity) with collecting donation on two Leiden University Campuses (at Humanities faculty from March 28th to April 1st, at Law faculty in April 12th, 13th, and 15th). There, we called fund-raising during the day and evening by rotation. We received donation from many people, including students and professors. Throughout the fund-raising, we received warm-hearted messages: “Now, it’s us who help Japan . Japan has supported our country scholarship”. “I hope Japan will be rebuilt as soon as possible”! We heard concerns with Japan asking, “Are your family and friends all right?”. (Fortunately, families and friends of our members are all right). It should be noted that some members individually called donation in her class and to her colleagues.
2. Singelloop Charity Run
We did charity run at Singelloop Run in April 15th, Leiden . As well as on-campus donation, we saw many people take thought for Japan on that day. Some runners were wearing T-shirt printed “Run for Japan ”. We saw a message for Japan which was drawn on the house wall. There was a lady who, realizing we were Japanese, gave 2 euors. Their concerns will encourage not only the people in the devastated areas in Japan but us living in Leiden .
3. Benefit Concert
In May 15th, we held Benefit Concert with help of Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orchestra and Yumi Goto, a member of Wakamusha and professional violinist in Holland Symfonia. The orchestra gave a splendid performance. Indeed, we felt their love to Japan throughout the performance . At the end of concert unexpected guest surprised us. He was an ex-conductor in the orchestra, who used play with Japanese orchestra for several times.
4. Messenger between Children
Throughout our project, we met school children in Lochtenbergh Tilburg in the Netherlands . Once hearing the news of the earthquake, the children took initiative to collect donation at school. They also drew pictures and sent them to the children in Onagawa-cho (one of the areas where the earthquake hit). The pictures, full of colors and messages written in Dutch and Japanese, will encourage the children in Onagawa-cho. We are proud of being a messenger between the children between two countries.
5. Other activities
We appreciate all the people who supported our project(activity) throughout the following events:
Sushi Bazaar in Haags Montesorri Lyceum in March 25th.
Donation Campaign at Stadsgehoorzaal Leiden in March 30t
We are also grateful to those who sent money to our bank account (The individual remittance started from 26 March and ended up in June 9th ). Without their contributions, we could not have achieved this project (activity).
For Future
Even though three months had passed, Japan is still under the way of restoration. The scar the earthquake left will remain for many years. We close our project (activity) with the hope that everyone will remember what happened in Japan , Tohoku.
Wakamusha will continue to exist as a Japanese-related community in the Netherlands . We look forward to coming and joining us. We wait for you take actions together for future activity. Any nationalities are, of course, welcome.
28 June, 2011
Representative, Akira Igarashi