
【2011年4月15日シンゲルロープ チャリティーマラソン 報告 // REPORT: April 15th, 2011. Charity marathon at Singel loop marathon】




【日時】2011年4月15日(19:30 ~ 20:30)


【参加人数】ランナー:9名 応援者:3名


【寄付先】WFP(国連世界食糧計画)  *自分たちの募金を「今」必要とする人々に出来る限り早く届けたいという意向、そして国連の一組織であるという信頼性より。

今回はランナーが事前にスポンサーシートを持ち、「6.2km完走するランナーを応援する気持ち」としての募金を集めて回りました。オランダのマラソン大会ではよくある活動だそうです。大会当日、ランナーは背中に"Run For JAPAN"という若武者君オリジナルゼッケンをつけて走りました。



今回のイベントでランナーを道端で、見えないところで応援して下さった皆様、本当にありがとうございました。皆様の支援があっての若武者 in Leidenです。


今後も若武者 in Leidenを応援よろしくお願い致します。

投稿者:蓬生 まり

Good evening everyone! Writer Mari will keep presenting you another active day of WAKAMUSHA in Leiden.

At the evening of April 15th, WAKAMUSHA in Leiden participated in a marathon meeting as a part of our charity campaign that took place in Leiden.

[DATE] April 15th, 2011. 19:30 ~ 20:00

[PLACE] Singel loop (starting from a parking lot of NUON), Leiden.

[NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS] Runners: 9, Supporters: 3


[DESTINATION] WFP (World Food Program)
     * We chose WFP for our motivation toward donating for those who need the donation "now" and also the credibility as a constituent of the United Nations.
    * The same as before.

This time, runners collected donation by collecting signatures from people who supported them to complete the 6.2 km marathon before the meeting. According to experienced runners, this is a typical way of collecting funds in the Netherlands. On the day of the marathon meeting, runners wore our original outwears that says "Run for JAPAN".


There were several runners who had less experience on running; one runner's maximum length was 1000 meters in a sports test which all Japanese high schools are required to do. Nevertheless, every runner was able to arrive at the goal by their own.

Among other teams that participated in the meeting, there were several teams whose members wore T-shirts with quotes about supporting and praying for Japan. We learned how people in Holland think of Japanese earthquake in occasions we have never know, and how they are trying to support recovery of Japan through events in their daily lives just like in this marathon meeting. These care and thoughts will indirectly become a motivation for Japan to stand up again.I thought T-shirts and collecting donation before the meeting were unique ways Dutch people cheer for the runners.

Thank you very much for those who supported the runners through your donations or on the way to the goal. We WAKAMUSHA in Leiden feel your unconditional support.
Congratulations for all runners who completed the marathon!

We are going to inform the total amount of money collected later on.

Please stay tuned with our activities coming up!

Writer: Mari Hosho

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