今日は考古学の学会がある日だったようで、Groningen, Amsterdam, Dordrechtなどオランダ国内から様々な学生が集まってきていました。過ごしている環境は違うけれども、皆東日本大震災のことはCNNなどを通じて知っているようでした。メディアのパワーを思い知らされますね。
投稿者:蓬生 まり
Hello everyone! Did you have a humorous April Fool's day?
For the past five days, we WAKAMUSHA in Leiden have held a donation campaign inside a humanity building of Leiden Univerisity, also known as LIPSIUS.
Today is our 5th day of donation campaign "Save JAPAN Save TOHOKU". Among our group members, there were people who reported that they have already talked to quite a few people who pass by the front of the desk or people in LIPSIUS who told us that they have already gave us donation the other day.
It was my second time I participated in the campaign as well.
One particular thing that was different from yesterday was that today there was a conference in archaeology department. For this conference, students from all over the Netherlands were gathering in the cafeteria of LIPSIUS. They were from places such as Groningen, Amsterdam and Dordrecht. Although the environment they spend most of their time is different, everyone recognized the Japan earthquake. It reminded me of the strong power of media.
Nevertheless, the amount of money donated has never been dropped. It rarely has become lower than 200 euro a day. From this fact alone, we could observe how caring and supportive Dutch and international students in The Netherlands are.
Personally, I felt very guilty of not only receiving money from others for granted but also even borrowing money from my friends. However, whenever I ask for a donation, there were so many people who gave me encouranging words such as "well, this time is special. We understand you" "Wish you the best on everything around you". These subtle expression of kindness became a great strength for me. The Netherlands became my favorite country even more every time I encounter those words.
For those who have already contributed and helped us throughout this week, thank you very much. We would like to keep thinking of what we could do for those who need the help right now in Japan.
Your questions and comments about our activities are always welcome.
We hope you will have a restful and fun weekend.
Writer : Mari Hosho
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