
【2011年4月23日 若武者主催チャリティーコンサート 練習風景報告 // REPORT: April 23rd, 2011. Benefiet Concert Muziek voor Japan behind the curtain...】



【日時】2011年4月23日(11:30 ~ 12:30)
【場所】OBS De Piramide (小学校、ハーレム)
【参加者】Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkest
【指揮者】Mr.Dick Verhoef

  • "Meditation from 'Thais' " Massenet
  • "Symphonie No.3 " Mendelssohn


Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkestは45年間続いてきた歴史のあるオーケストラで、プロとアマチュアの演奏者たちが集まっています。毎週土曜日に集まり、年に数回国内・外で行われるコンサートのために練習をされてます。
www. hpho.nl (注:オランダ語)





投稿者:蓬生 まり

Hello everyone! It has been hot and sunny days.

Today, I am going to present you a report of a practice session before a charity concert sponsored by WAKAMUSHA in Leiden.

[DATE]April 23rd, 2011. (11:30~ 12:30)
[PLACE] OBS De Piramide (An elementary school in Haarlem)
[PARTICIPANTS] Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkest
[DIRECTOR] Mr.Dick Verhoef

  • "Meditation from 'Thais' " Massenet
  • "Symphonie No.3 " Mendelssohn

And something more..?


Heemsteeds Philharmonisch Orkest is an orchestra with a history of 45 years of performance. It consists of both professional and amateur players. The members meet every Saturday to practice for concerts that are held both inside and outside of the Netherlands.

For details please see below:
www. hpho.nl (* This is a DUTCH website.)

The orchestra itself has visited Japan for several times as a part of concert tours. Not only that but also, many members have traveled to Japan or have friends in Japan. As a result, the players in the orchestra are overall positive and highly motivated about performing for a charity for Japan. The members have been working on music pieces that are going to be performed on May 15th since February 2011.

One mere practice session with a solo performance by a Japanese professional violinist Ms.Yumi Goto was enough for me to make the audience have the goose bumps. There are many pieces and moments we can expect high for.
It will be a concert which people from all ages, gender and nationality can enjoy.

Please see above advertisement and the previous blog entry for the details about our charity concert.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the venue.

Writer: Mari Hosho


【2011年4月15日シンゲルロープ チャリティーマラソン 報告 // REPORT: April 15th, 2011. Charity marathon at Singel loop marathon】




【日時】2011年4月15日(19:30 ~ 20:30)


【参加人数】ランナー:9名 応援者:3名


【寄付先】WFP(国連世界食糧計画)  *自分たちの募金を「今」必要とする人々に出来る限り早く届けたいという意向、そして国連の一組織であるという信頼性より。

今回はランナーが事前にスポンサーシートを持ち、「6.2km完走するランナーを応援する気持ち」としての募金を集めて回りました。オランダのマラソン大会ではよくある活動だそうです。大会当日、ランナーは背中に"Run For JAPAN"という若武者君オリジナルゼッケンをつけて走りました。



今回のイベントでランナーを道端で、見えないところで応援して下さった皆様、本当にありがとうございました。皆様の支援があっての若武者 in Leidenです。


今後も若武者 in Leidenを応援よろしくお願い致します。

投稿者:蓬生 まり

Good evening everyone! Writer Mari will keep presenting you another active day of WAKAMUSHA in Leiden.

At the evening of April 15th, WAKAMUSHA in Leiden participated in a marathon meeting as a part of our charity campaign that took place in Leiden.

[DATE] April 15th, 2011. 19:30 ~ 20:00

[PLACE] Singel loop (starting from a parking lot of NUON), Leiden.

[NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS] Runners: 9, Supporters: 3


[DESTINATION] WFP (World Food Program)
     * We chose WFP for our motivation toward donating for those who need the donation "now" and also the credibility as a constituent of the United Nations.
    * The same as before.

This time, runners collected donation by collecting signatures from people who supported them to complete the 6.2 km marathon before the meeting. According to experienced runners, this is a typical way of collecting funds in the Netherlands. On the day of the marathon meeting, runners wore our original outwears that says "Run for JAPAN".


There were several runners who had less experience on running; one runner's maximum length was 1000 meters in a sports test which all Japanese high schools are required to do. Nevertheless, every runner was able to arrive at the goal by their own.

Among other teams that participated in the meeting, there were several teams whose members wore T-shirts with quotes about supporting and praying for Japan. We learned how people in Holland think of Japanese earthquake in occasions we have never know, and how they are trying to support recovery of Japan through events in their daily lives just like in this marathon meeting. These care and thoughts will indirectly become a motivation for Japan to stand up again.I thought T-shirts and collecting donation before the meeting were unique ways Dutch people cheer for the runners.

Thank you very much for those who supported the runners through your donations or on the way to the goal. We WAKAMUSHA in Leiden feel your unconditional support.
Congratulations for all runners who completed the marathon!

We are going to inform the total amount of money collected later on.

Please stay tuned with our activities coming up!

Writer: Mari Hosho


【2011年4月15日 ライデン大学法学部での募金活動 取り急ぎ報告 // NOTICE: April 15th, 2011. 5th day of our donation campaign week at the Faculty of Law, Leiden University】








投稿者:蓬生 まり


Good evening, everyone. Writer Mari came back to report our another day of activity.
It is getting warmer in Leiden that people are starting to wear only a sweater. How have you been?

Subsequently to our donation campaign at the Faculty of Humanity in Leiden University (also known as LIPSIUS), We WAKAMUSHA in Leiden have been collecting donations at the Faculty of Law in Leiden University throughout this week.

Compared to the Faculty of Humanity, we felt that there were relatively less people who study or know about Japanese culture or society. Also, according to students, the exam week is coming up next week, which is keeping the students very busy. Nevertheless there were many people supported us, including students who told us " I don't have that much money..." while donating coins that worth as much as the price of his lunch, professors and cleaning staffs.

We have collected 146.04 euro in the noon section (11:00~ 13:30) this day.
All donation collected will be sent to WFP (World Food Program) through an account of our member (please see the the box at the top of our blog).

Thank you very much for those who have donated and supported us throughout this week in the Law Faculty.
Although we have not planned any more donation campaign inside university buildings, we will still keep up with various activities in the Netherlands.

We are always looking forward to hearing from you regarding our activities.

We hope you will have a fun spring weekend.

Writer: Mari Hosho


【2011年4月7日 WFPへの送金 報告 // REPORT: April 7th, 2011. Sending donation to WFP】




4月8日 五十嵐彰


Good afternoon, everyone. 
I am Akira Igarashi, the representative of "Wakamusha in Leiden".

Yesterday, 7th April, we sent donation we had collected to WFP, World Food Programme.
The duration was from 26th March to 7th April, and the amount of donation was EUR4216.16.
I would like to appreciate everyone who were related with this activity, in Markt fundraising, the Charity Suchi day, Fundraising Week in Lipsius, donation campaign at the concert. In addition, we had many invisible donors who transfered money to our bank account.
Through this activity so far, we had experienced countless episodes. Without supports by people surrounding us, we could not have collected donation as much as I mentioned above, and we might have ended up with much shorter duration.

I would like to appreciate you who donate and support us, and the members of Wakamusha.
I hope you would support us and participate in our activity which keeps going on further.

Akira Igarashi


【2011年4月1日 校内募金5日目 取り急ぎ報告 // NOTICE: April 1st, 2011. 5th day of Leiden University campus donation campaign】



今日は考古学の学会がある日だったようで、Groningen, Amsterdam, Dordrechtなどオランダ国内から様々な学生が集まってきていました。過ごしている環境は違うけれども、皆東日本大震災のことはCNNなどを通じて知っているようでした。メディアのパワーを思い知らされますね。







投稿者:蓬生 まり

Hello everyone! Did you have a humorous April Fool's day?

For the past five days, we WAKAMUSHA in Leiden have held a donation campaign inside a humanity building of Leiden Univerisity, also known as LIPSIUS.

Today is our 5th day of donation campaign "Save JAPAN Save TOHOKU". Among our group members, there were people who reported that they have already talked to quite a few people who pass by the front of the desk or people in LIPSIUS who told us that they have already gave us donation the other day.

It was my second time I participated in the campaign as well.
One particular thing that was different from yesterday was that today there was a conference in archaeology department. For this conference, students from all over the Netherlands were gathering in the cafeteria of LIPSIUS. They were from places such as Groningen, Amsterdam and Dordrecht. Although the environment they spend most of their time is different, everyone recognized the Japan earthquake. It reminded me of the strong power of media.

Nevertheless, the amount of money donated has never been dropped. It rarely has become lower than 200 euro a day. From this fact alone, we could observe how caring and supportive Dutch and international students in The Netherlands are.

Personally, I felt very guilty of not only receiving money from others for granted but also even borrowing money from my friends. However, whenever I ask for a donation, there were so many people who gave me encouranging words such as "well, this time is special. We understand you" "Wish you the best on everything around you". These subtle expression of kindness became a great strength for me. The Netherlands became my favorite country even more every time I encounter those words.

For those who have already contributed and helped us throughout this week, thank you very much. We would like to keep thinking of what we could do for those who need the help right now in Japan.

Your questions and comments about our activities are always welcome.

We hope you will have a restful and fun weekend.

Writer : Mari Hosho

【2011年3月30日 後藤祐美さんのコンサートでの募金活動 報告 // REPORT: March 30th, 2011. Donation campaign at the concert by Ms. Yumi Goto】



【日時】2011年3月30日19:30 ~ 20:00, 20:55~






ライター:蓬生 まり


Good evening everyone. I, Mari Hosho, is going to report another activity of the week.
Even though WAKAMUSHA in Leiden has just started, it has already been moving activtely throughout Leiden and Den Haag.
My job as a writer is giving me much satisfaction as well.

Here is the report of our charity campaign that took place during a concert of an orchestra including a violinist, Ms.Yumi Goto, who is currently living in Haarlem.

[DATE] March 30th, 2011. 19:30 ~ 20:00, 20:55~

[PLACE] Stadsgehoorzaal Leiden, Leiden



[DESTINATION] WFP (World Food Program)
     * We chose WFP for our motivation toward donating for those who need the donation "now" and also the credibility as a constituent of the United Nations.
    * The same as before.

According to the participants, they were able to enjoy the last half of the performance thanks to members and staffs of the orchestra. Also, much of the audience were adults who cannot speak English fluently, however, there were two students of Leiden University who study Japanese studies, had helped out. This support made the communication between us and Dutch people more smooth. It is a day that makes us aware of how much WAKAMUSHA is supported by people surrounding us.

Thank you everyone for your cooperation.

Questions and comments are always welcome.

I am looking for hearing and supports from you.

Writer: Mari Hosho